Elements of Discord in Secessia

15 arms have no rights under our Constitution and laws. By their treason they have forfeited all their previously recognized rights, and their lives into the bargain. 0 7 O Cop.—I thought you were a Democrat I Is it possible that you have, changed, and are now an unconditional supporter of Lincoln ? Dem.—I am a Democrat—a Jackson Democrat—«-as I have ever been, and expect to continue to be; and I am an unconditional supporter of President Lincoln’s, and of anybody else’s administration that may come into power under the Constitution, as against the so-called Government of Jefferson Davis. It is because I am a Democrat that I oppose a military despotism, set up to subvert democracy, and to establish an oligarchy monarchy, or some stronger' form of government. I will tell you what is more. I have served my term of nine months in the army, and have been honorably discharged, but I am still a war Democrat, and am ready to re-enlist whenever I deem it necessary. My comrades and myself are determined that this rebellion shall be put down, not by a shuffling compromise, but by force of arms. The people are with us, and we intend to succeed. Whenever Hooker or Rosecrans wants more men, they will be forthcoming. We know that the non-slaveowners of the South are with us in interest, and men are not blind to their true interests long. As to Jefferson Davis, what claim has he upon any true Democrat ? A traitor to our Constitution, he don’t even show a decent outward respect to his own. Did he not issue a proclamation' for privateers, when his own Constitution provided that only Congress could authorize privateering ? Under his own Constitution, how can he claim to be eligible to the Presidency ?—for was he not born in Kentucky, ■which never was, is not now, and never will be a part of the so-called Confederate States ? Cop.—You misunderstand me. I am not advocating the cause of the Confederate States. Dem.—Not openly; but what you are doing seems to me to amount to much the same thing. Cop.—By no means. My special object in calling is to see