Elements of Discord in Secessia

2 The fact that Yancey killed his kinsman, for which, even under the lax administration of the criminal law in Alabama, he was convicted, though he subsequently managed to procure a pardon, is enough, regardless of the mode in which he did the deed. He stands before the world as a convicted felon, who is at large through the exercise of Executive clemency. As to Slidell’s origin we care nothing. We know that he sets up for an aristocrat and a leader of fashion in Paris, and to that extent exhibits a pretension that may appear ridiculous to those acquainted with his history; but, for our part, we would think better of him if he had exercised his father’s vocation in an honest way in this his native city, than we do when we call to mind his disreputable financial schemes in the South, and his renegadism, treason, and his subsequent prudent transfer of his questionably gotten means beyond the jurisdiction of the region to the ruin of which he has so largely contributed. This jealousy and distrust on the part of the native born chivalry towards the Northern born chivalry who have got ahead of them in political and financial position, is one of the most significant signs of the times Another fertile source of discontent in the South is the circumstance which has leaked out, in spite of every effort to conceal it, that many wealthy secessionists, especially of the politician class, have put their money abroad. Though specious pretexts have been given out to excuse this, they do not satisfy the people. Those who have not had the foresight to take this precaution are vexed with those who have. People of limited means are beginning to make inquiry on the subject, and to demand why their political leaders have placed their funds beyond seas, and to insinuate doubts as to whether those who have done so are worthy of confidence. No more powerful argument against the prospects of the so-called Confederate States could be adduced than the production of the accounts of the bankers of London and Paris with the leaders of the rebellion. This growing suspicion on the part of the people of the South of their leaders, arising from the fact that so many of them have sent their available means to foreign parts, is another very significant sign of the times. Still, much money continues to go out by way of Matamoros.