RED, WHITE AND BLUE, it Maestoso. 1. O Co-lum-bia! the gem of the o-cean, The home of the brave and the fre£, The , L 2. When war winged its wide desolation, And threatened the land to deform, The 3. The U-nion, the U-nion for - ev - er, Our glorious nation’s sweet hymn, May the I shrine of each patriot’s de-vo-tion, A world of - fers horn-age to thee. Thy ark then of freedom’s foun-da-tion, Co - lum-bia, rode safe thro’ the storm; With her wreaths it has won never with-er, Northestarof its gio - ry grow dim I May the mandates make heroes as - sem-hle. When Lib - er-ty’s form stands in view, Thy gar-lands of vie - t ry a - round her. When so proudly'she bore her brave crew, With he1 aer-vice u - ni - ted ne’er sev - er,' But they to their col - ors prove true I The Chorus.