Facts and Songs for the People

MARCHING THROUGH GEORGIA. Words and Music by Henrt C. Wo. 1. Bring the good old bugle, boys! we’ll sing an-oth - er song— Sing it with a spir - it that will start the world a • long— Sing it as we used to sing it, fif - ty thou - sand strong, While we were marching through Geor • gia. Chorus. 2. How the darkeys shouted when they heard the joyful sound! How the turkeys gobbled which ourCommissary found; How the sweet-potatoes, even started from the ground, While we were marching through Georgia. 8. Yes, and there were Union men who wept with joyful tears, When they saw the honor’d flag they had not seen for years; Hardly could they be restrained front breaking forth in cheers, While we were marching through Georgia. 4. “Sherman’s dashing yankee boys will never reach the coast I'-' So the saucy rebels said, and 'twas a handsome boast, Had they not forgot, alas! to reckon with the host, While we were marching through Georgia, 6. So we made a thorough-fare for Freedom and her train, Sixty miles in latitude--three hundred to the main; Treason fled before us, for resistance was in vain, While wo were marching through Georgia,