PROTECTION. “At no price will I sacrifice French industries.”—Napoleon. Protection means American independence— Wm. M. Evarts. Lord Brougham said : “England should destroy foreign manufactures in their cradle.” Protection has been to us a sheet anchor of prosperity, a mainspring of progress.—Henry Clay. I am in favor of the internal improvement system, and a high protective tariff. — Abraham Lincoln. The producing cause of all prosperity is labor, labor, labor. The A child helped to an education Government was made to protect becomes a power. this industry, to give it both enWhy not assist our nation ? couragement and security.— Daniel Webster. It is time we should become a little more Americanized, and, instead of feeding the paupers and laborers of England, feed our own.—Andrew Jackson. The capitalist is one blade of the shears, and the laborer the other, and it takes both blades to cut.—Prof. Perry. It seems the interest of all our farmers and owners of lands to encourage our young manufactures.—Benjamin Franklin. Men do not fly by millions from tl^eir native homes to seek for poorer wages.—Hon. John F. Finerty, Illinois. Free trade will simply reduce the wages of labor to the foreign standard.—Abram S. Hewitt. A nation never built up a system of domestic manufactures without a protective tariff.—President Thiers, France.