48 REASONS FOR NOT SUPPORTING CLEVELAND AND HENDRICKS. i. Mr. Cleveland is not widely known, and was chosen by the. Democratic party because it was supposed that he had no record. Subsequent disclosures have revealed a most discreditable record. 2. He represents a free trade party, and is declared by his friends to be a free trader. 3. He has not been favorable to the labor interests. The National Labor Unions of the United States oppose him because he vetoed the bill abolishing child labor in the State reformatory institutions; he vetoed the Five Cent Fare bill on the N.ew York elevated railroad; he vetoed the bill limiting the work of car drivers to twelve hours a day; he vetoed the Mechanics’ Lien Law, designed to give labor the first lien on a building in course of construction; also some others which would have helped working men. 4. Mr. Hendricks has expressed himself in favor of turning out the 120,000 Republican office holders, and filling their places with “honest” Democrats. This is not Civil Service Reform. 5. Says Harpers jreiWr; “ During the war Mr. Hendricks was a Copperhead. He left his church when its minister preached a loyal sermon, exhorting hL people to sustain their Government.” After calling Abraham Lincoln “a -smutty old tyrant,” at Chicago, in 1864, he said of the Emancipation Proclamation, “ I do not know whether that proclamation is going to be taken back or not; I am going to vote to take it back the first opportunity.” Speaking against admitting negroes to testify in the courts he said, “1 do not believe they are our equals in the army, in the courts, or anywhere else, and for that reason I voted against the bill proposing that they should have the same pay in the army as white men.” In the Senate he said, “It seems to be considered a great outrage that the negroes in tl& District of Columbia are not allowed to take their seats in the same cars with the white men and women who travel on the railroads of this city. If I was to express my opinion on the subject I should say the outrage would be the other way.” 6. Mr. Flendricks is an inflationist, and therefore not a proper financial leader. Whoever the candidates, it is not safe to trust the country to the Democratic party.