The First Duty of the Citizen and Other Documents

14 From Richmond Examiner, May 28. SOUTHERN PRINCIPLES. After the first half year, and from six months to six months, our character as a people has been decidedly rising in the wojld, until now a discerning public, to its own great surprise, almost loves us, and an astonished country begins to doubt whether it is the nineteenth century. For this improvement in the estimation of which we are now held, we do not thank the Spirit of the Age ; we thank our President and Gen. Lee, and the other noble chiefs, and our glorious army. If we are able to borrow money abroad, and the capitalists eagerly pour their treasure into our hands, it is not owing to any patronage or fostering care, or engagements of support from their respective Governments; it is because those capitalists know in their utmost hearts and souls (which are in their pockets) that such chiefs and armies will never be conquered ; that our independence is sure ; and that, therefore, the control of the resources of the country will be in the control of our own Government and people—not of the Yankee enemies. They are all perfectly certain in Europe that their debt will be duly paid by an independent people—not denied or dishonored by the conquerors of a crushed rebellion. Just so, if we get war ships built in England, it is not that Lord Russell or the English Government encourages the transaction, but that shipbuilders in Liverpool or Glasgow cannot be kept from doing an illicit stroke of business for a good employer. If the Confederacy is at a premium, she owes it Io herself. And so much the better. We shall be all the more free to run the grand career which opens before us, and grasp our own lofty destiny. Would that all of us understood and laid to heart the true nature of that career and that destiny, and the responsibility it imposes I The establishment of the Confederacy is, verily, a distinct REACTION AGAINST THE WHOLE COURSE OF THE MISTAKEN civilization of the age. And this is the true reason why