The First Duty of the Citizen and Other Documents

8 which those promises can fructify into performance. To men whose daily dealings count by thousands, and whose minds are intent upon the mighty issues whereon hang the destinies of a continent, it may seem a paltry and unworthy matter to devote attention to the trivial intrigues of a petty precinct, yet they may be assured that in this way alone can their business interests be protected, and the national life preserved. If, after the sore experience of the last few years; if, after writhing under the calamities resultrnt from abandoning politics to the management of venal and unprincipled men, there is not left in the community sufficient public spirit to demand from the honest masses the controlling influence to which they are entitled ; if the trifling sacrifices of time and attention requisite to this are not willingly rendered hereafter, then, indeed, are we degenerate from our fathers, and the verdict of history upon our suicide as a free and self-governing people will not be long deferred or doubtfully phrased. EMANCIPATION A FINALITY. Postmaster General Blair, in a recent speech at Cleveland, Ohio, thus spoke of the President’s emancipation proclamation and its fruits: “ That measure which as Commander-in-Chief the President rightfully adopted under the Constitution and in accordance with national law, to obtain the co-operation of the whole race of people, and which involves both life and freedom in its results when proclaimed, was beyond revocation by either the civil or military authority of the nation. -.Thepeople once slaves in the rebel States can never again be recognized as such by the United States. No judicial decision, no legislative action, State or national, can be admitted to re-enslave a people who are associated with our own destinies in this war of defense to save the Government, and whose manumission was deemed essential to the restoration and preservation of the Union and to its permanent peace.