The First Duty of the Citizen and Other Documents

9 The Grandeur of the Struggle and its Responsibilities. Generations, like individuals, are born to different lots. Some to ease, others to hardship; some to security, others to peril; some to small duties, others to responsibilities well-nigh superhuman. In reclaiming this world, God means that all shall do a part, generations as well as individuals ; but this part is not equal. It varies as He, in his wisdom and love, chooses to have it vary. It is not for man to question His ways. We must recognize His dealing, accept it, and conform to it. This third American generation has a peculiar lot. By an ordering of Providence which it did not at all foresee, it finds itself face to face with responsibilities such as have never before been known on this continent, nor indeed in modern civilization. It is the pilot, in the engulfing storm, of the most precious argosy that ever floated—the warrior in the deadly breach of the great siege of the ages. If it falter, all is lost. The magnitude of our trust is beyond oui' power of conception even in its grosser and lower aspects. The body of our people estimate it chieffiy by what is called the necessity of preserving the national limits. It is the Republic as stretching from Lakes to Gulf and from ocean to ocean, that especially stirs their blood. Their hearts throb at the thought that this most magnificent heritage, this continental arena for the development of national activity and power, is in danger. But how small and inadequate are the common notions of even these material interests I In fact, no man has an understanding broad enough, or an imagination strong enough, to take in any but the boldest outlines of what will be the development of our Republic in population, in wealth, and in physical power, if its present theater of action is retained to it. We may cipher out progressive ratios, and soon read startling figures; but mere numerals can give, at best, but a very meager idea of what will