God's View of Rebellion

4 god’s view of rebellion questions which have been thrown before the public— the questions of centralization and State Rights, of extraConstitutional action, of finance and revenue, of military law, of human slavery, of the subjugation policy, and of peace platforms. But, as a minister of Christ, under the convictions just mentioned, I have carefully abstained from introducing these subjects into the hallowed time when we are especially called to regard our personal relations to Heaven and not to earth. Nor do I intend to make any exception to this rule to-day. I do not purpose to discuss our earthly relations as such—to draw arguments from history or consistency or expediency for certain courses of national conduct—to enlarge upon a mere philanthropy, and build an ethical philosophy upon this foundation—or to convert this Church into a lyceum, and give a lecture on education and civilization. But there are certain positions which Christians should hold toward the nation and its government, consequent upon their heavenly citizenship, the holding of which will minister to their spiritual welfare. There are clear revelations of God’s will to us as subjects of government, which it becomes us to hear in the house of God, not as political or social philosophers, but as obedient children. The honor and glory of Christ our Redeemer is concerned in. our apprehension of and conformity to these revelations, and.fit is at His cross we can most appropriately stand when we engage in their considera­