A Brief History of Tuscarawas County, Ohio

the Cino above oo rv :o ■ W. . < Au the reomanry of CAto w re at ns '.ga .si vu md to roes fc .k”>w ;r w ?, y s tie wax captured and ’he groat md ended :r fa;bare In the teki the Beys B. no eu a grand md glorious record Tuny rwravnod in aauy a hotly contested engage .ncnt A full listory of their movrmer.ts "ou'.d ombrace a arge yv : $ d d War vhich Would recuire ano s.v. mnt of space iven only m very exlens histories "urthernw their sitare i" sv ■ vss : e die *■ 'Sj? ibeilion is a matter of aataonad history. We ill only give a list of the battles in which ;ey took part Phhllpi. Romney. Center lie, South Mountain. Antentam. Vicksburg. { lajanooga. Tunnel Hill. Kenesaw. Atlanta. jnesbora. Fort MeAllester, Pittsburg Laud- g. Murfreesboro. Lookout Mountain. Mis- m Ridge. Spring Hillel Nashville. Perry le: Iuka, Corinth. Holly Springs. Jackson, ampion Mills. Resaca. Savannah. Harpers >rry, Chickamauga. Rome. Dallas. Chan lorsville, Gettysburg. Manaifas Gap. Money, Winchester. Clinch River, and many ier of lesser importance. Imong the most efficient field officers from