116 ligion is “peace and goodwill to .all mankind.’’ It was a peculiarity of the sect to fasten their garments with hooks and eyes, and their dress, in cut and wear, has in it much of the olden time. The Ornish came from Pennsylvania. They brought with them one trait of that State's farmers, so general that all observe it, large barns painted-red. A rude house will serve the people till a fine shelter for produce and stock is reared, and then a better takes its place. Travel the road ~ of Sugar Creek, and these red painted barns' attest the industry and frugality of these people. The women are expert in dairy-, work, and “ Omish butter ” has a well warranted reputation. The sect is now divided into two branches. The old line branch do not erect church edifices, but hold their religious meetings ’round about at the residences of the different members, and still* cling to the old customs in manner and dress. The other branch of the church build houses of worship, are more modern in their mode of living, and are gaining ground more rapidly than those who still cling to the original tenets of their religion.