12 A short sketch of each will be in place here. David Zeisberger was born in Zauchtenthal, Moravia, April 11, 1721. His parents emigrated to Georgia with the second band of Moravians in 1735. leaving their son in Europe to complete his education. Two years later he joined them in America, and in. 1743 became a student in the Indian school at Bethlehem, Pa., in order to prepare himself for the mission service. He made himself thoroughly conversant with the Indian Ian* guages and dialects of New York, Western Pennsylvania and Ohio, and afterward devoted sixty-two years of his life to proclaiming the doctrines of Christianity to the red men in various localities. He was the- chief minister of the Tuscarawas missions. At the age of sixty he married Miss Susan Lecron, but they had no children. Heckewelder says • of him: “He was blessed with a cool, active and intrepid spirit, not appalled by any dan; gers or difficulties, and a sound judgment to discern the best means of meeting and overcoming them. - Having once devoted himself to the service of God among the Indians, he steadily from the most voluntary choice and