A Brief History of Tuscarawas County, Ohio

21 the leadership of their missionary, Rothe. The remainder with Heckewelder embarked in twenty-two canoes and paddled down the Ohio to the mouth of the Muskingum and thence up that river and the Tuscarawas to Schoen- brunn. where, after much suffering and many hardships, they joined their brethren. Besides this, new converts from the Delawares were constantly coming in. and it became necessary to establish a new settlement. A site was selected ten miles down the river and a town was laid out in regular order, with wide streets. They put up a chapel with cupola and bell, the same as at Schoenbrunn. and gave the place the name of Gnadenhutten. which it retains to this day. The name Gnadenhutten means “Tents of Grace." This home of the Christian Indians is mentioned by Longfellow in his “Evangeline." The heroine of the poem visits the village on her search for Gabriel. Needing a resident minister, they sent some Christian Indians to Bethlehem, Pa., to brim.' Rew Schmick and his wife, who arrived ax the village on the IHth day of August. 1773. and took up their residence in a new house built expressly for them.