82 side of Water St., between Second and Third streets. He afterward moved west. Aaron Robinet was also among the first settlers of the village. He too, followed the avocation of blacksmith. Barleen was here before 1835. and built a tannery on the southeast corner of Main and Second streets and lived on an ad- ' joining lot. Among others who came here early, we find the names of Joshua Lock, ; John Cahill, William Ross, Samuel Warfel, Thomas Benner, Nelson Poulson, Philip \ Uhrich, Richard Morris, Robert McClintock. Charles Andreas, Jacob Huston, John Meese and Thomas Ramsour. John Welch was' Uhrichsville's first postmaster. Prior to the construction of the railroad. . wheat buying and shipping was the chief business of Uhrichsville. The Ohio Canal was in operation at the time the town wax laid out, and transported the surplus grain to Eastern markets. Uhrichsville commanded the whole trade of the valley of Stillwater. Wheatwas hauled to this point from a distance of thirty or more miles, from a large portion of Harrison. Guernsey and Carroll, counties. In 1837, there were two grain warehouses at Uhrichsville, and the number afterwards in-'