Human Physiognomy : or the Art of Discerning the Mental and Moral Character of Man

HUMAN PHYSIOGNOMY. 9 togeUter, to be fearful, applied to the quail; the tees and nails crooked, to be unshamefaced, applied to the birds. Ok the Navel.—The stomach, from the navel to the breast fleshy, to be wicked, after Ptolomy; the same spruce, soft, and well compact, to be stout and high-minded ; the same sharp, large from the bottom of the breast to the navel, to be dull of capacity, and a great feeder; the space equal, to be witty and honest-conditioned. Of the Ribs.—The ribs filled out, as if they were blown up, to be of words, and foolish, applied to the ox and frog; the person well ribbed, to be strong, applied to the male kind; the ribs narrow, and weak compounded, to be weak, applied to the female kind. Of the Haunchbs and Hips.—The hips well sinewed, to be strong, applied to the male kind ; the hips fleshy, to be weak, applied to the woman; the bones of the haunches bearing outward, to be strong, applied to the male kind ; the bones of the haunches tender, to be fearful and weak, applied to the woman. Of the Legs.—The legs slender, to be dull of capacity, (yet this faileth often in learned students;) the calves very big, bearing out, to be sluggish and rude-mannered; the calves meanly big formed, to be witty and honest-conditioned; the legs big sinewed and brawned, to be strong, applied to the male kind; small sinewed, to be libidinous, applied to the birds ; the legs ill-fashioned, to be unshamefaced ; the calves of the legs big, to be an ill-mannered person ; the calves soft, to be effeminate. Of the Knees.—The knees bending forward, to be effeminate, applied to the woman ; the knees fat, to be fearful, yet liberal; the knees lean, to. be strong and hardy ; the knees big, to be an effeminate person ; the knees slender, to be fearful. Of the Ancles.—The ancles broad, to be strong, the parts about the ancles over fleshy, to be foolish ; the ancles slender or thin, to be fearful; the ancles strong sinewed and brawned, to be strong, applied to the male kind ; the ancles much fleshy, to be weak, applied to the woman. Or the Feet.—The feet thick and short, to be weak; tho feet slender and short, to be wicked ; the feet fleshy and hard, to be a blackhead; the feet small and fair formed, to be a fornicator; the feet much hairy, to be lecherous and bold ; the feet naked of hair, to be weak of strength and courage ; the feet w< uk, sinewed and brawned, to be strong, and applied to tho