Human Physiognomy : or the Art of Discerning the Mental and Moral Character of Man

10 HUMAN PHYSIOGNOMY. male-kind ; the feet weak, sinewed and small, to be effeminate, applied to the woman; the inner part of the soles of the feet not hollow, but so filled with flesh, that they make no hollow ness at all in the step on the ground, is denoted to be crafty ' the feet big and fleshy, to be foolish. Of the Hairiness of the Parts.—The back very hairy, to be cruel, applied to the beasts ; the neck behind hairy, to be liberal and stout, applied to the lion; the hair of the eye brows growing downwards towards the nose, and spreading up wards unto the temples, to be foolish, applied to the sow; the hair of the eyebrows joined together, to be a sad person; the hair of the head standing straight up, to be fearful; the hair ol the head very crisped at the end, to be strong and bold, applied to the lion; the hair of the head plain, to be simple; much hair on the head, and thick, to be evil-conditioned ; the legs hairy, to be venerous, applied to the goat; the breast and belly very hairy, to be inconstant, applied to the birds; the shoulders very hairy, to be the like inconstant. Of the Going and Moving.—The person going with his feet and knees turning in, to be weak, applied to the woman; the skulking, wreathing, or shrinking the body hither and thither, to be a flatterer like the fawning dog ; leaning on the right side in the going, to be a cynic ; the eyes quick moving, to be greedy and quick catchers, applied to the hawk ; the eyes quick and often moving, with a steadiness of the body, to be witty, and of a ready understanding; the pace slow and long, to be witty, yet weak; the pace long and quick, to be strong, yet foolish; the pace short and quick to be foolish and weak oi strength ; the shoulders bending forwards in going, to be high minded. Of the Personage and Stature.—Such as are tall of personage, and of a hot and dry quality, to be witty and ready to conceive ; big of personage, and of a cold and moist quality, to be dull of capacity, of the contrary cause ; the personage? evil-fashioned and tall of stature, to be dull of capacity, and evil-conditioned, applied to the form ; the person of a comely personage, and mean of stature, to be witty and honest conditioned, applied to the natural canse ; such as are of small per sonage, to be quick-witted, and prompt in attaining any matter, of the natural cause; such as are very big of personage, of dull capacity, and therefore hard of conceiving, of the contrary cause, after Aristotle; small of personage, and of a hot and dry quality^ choleric, to be apt, ready to conceive, and to judge or discern any matter rightly ; small of personage