Human Physiognomy : or the Art of Discerning the Mental and Moral Character of Man

BOOK THIRD. THE SYBIL’S BOOK A NEW SPECIES OF DIVINATION, ANY PERSON MAY, WITHOUT BY MEANS OF WHICH THE AID OF ASTROLOGY, PROCURE CORRECT ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS TOUCHING FUTURE EVENTS. To obtain true answers for any of the following classes of questions touching future events, the reader must consult the Key on page 55, in this wise : Write four lines on a slate, or piece of paper, the subject of which should always relate to the question asked; or you may write your own name in full for one line, the month, and day of the month, for the second line, &c. After having written these four lines, you must count the letters in each line, and if the number is odd, put one dot at the end,thus(®); andifitiseven,puttwodots(® *)atthe end. You must compare the position of these dots exactly with a column of dots at the head of the Key, on page 55, and finding a column agreeing, pass your finger down that column to the letter opposite the number of the question asked, (all the numbers being ranged on the left margin of the Key.) Having thus found the letter, turn to the same letter in the pages of the book, and under that letter again match your column of dots with similar dots on the left margin of the answers, and opposite you have the correct answer. Those who consult this book should observe, however, that where .questions are asked relative to individuals or law suits, the best way is to insert the proper names of the parties. We give some examples to illustrate :— •Ib John Smith honest and candid 1 Abram Jones John Smith Shull 1 gain my suit at law 1 Plain- < John Thomas titF ) Smith Defen- S Alexander Coe duut / Jones Have I any enemies 1 I certainly ■ hope not John • Brown