BOOK FOURTH. SIGNIFICATION OF MOLES ON MAN OR WOMAN, RTC. If either matt or woman shall have n mole on the place ncM against live heart. it doth denote them undoubtedly to be very wicked. If a mole be seen on a man or woman's belly. it doth demonstrate he or she shall be a great feeder or glutton. If either man or woman shall have a mole on the bottom of the belly, it doth argue much debility, and to be often sick. If a man shall have a mole on the knee. he shall then certainly obtain a comely and wealthy wife. And if a woman shall have a mole on the right kuee. it sigs nilieth her to be honest and virtuous; if on the left, then she shall have many children. If a man shall have a mole overthwart the nose, it doth denote he shall wander hither and thither. through mtwy remote countries and cities, A mole the like standing on a woman’s nose, doth portend that she shall travel on loot through sundry countries. If a man hath a mole on the gullet or throat, it doth demonstrate that he shall become very rich. If a woman hath a mole on the nether jaw. it doth indicate that she shall load her lite in and pain of body, because she hath that within her body which shall hinder her horn attaining and bearing of children. If a man shall have the form of a mole on his tongue, it doth demonstrate that ho shall marry with a rich and beautiful woman of great celebrity. If either mmrw woman shall have a mole on any part of the lip, it doth portend that he or she bo a great feeder or glutton; and to be much beloved, and very amorous.