Human Physiognomy : or the Art of Discerning the Mental and Moral Character of Man

76 PROGNOSTICATIONS, ETC. 12. On the twelfth day the dreams are rather fortunate, and the child born shall live long. 13. On the thirteenth day the dream will prove true in a very short time. 14. If you ask a favor of any one on the fourteenth day, it will be granted. 15. The sickness that befalls a person on the fifteenth day, is likely to prove fatal. 16. The child that is bom on the sixteenth day, will be of very ill manners, and unfortunate ; it is nevertheless a good day for the buying and selling of all kinds of merchandise. 17. The child born on the seventeenth day will be very foolish : it is a very unfortunate day to transact any kind of business, or contract marriage. 18. The child bom on the eighteenth day will be valiant, but will suffer considerable hardships ; if a female, she will be chaste and industrious, and live highly respected to a good old age. 19. The nineteenth day is dangerous; the child bom will be very ill disposed and malicious. 20. On the twentieth day the dreams are true ; but the child bom will be dishonest. 21. The child born on the twenty-first day will grow up healthy and strong, but be of a selfish, ungenteel turn of mind. 22. The child born on the twenty-second day will be fortunate ; he or she will be of a cheerful countenance, religious, and much beloved. 23. The child that is born on the twenty-third day will be of an ungovernable temper, will forsake his friends, and choose to wander about in a foreign country, and be very unhappy through life. 24. The child born on the twenty-fourth day will achieve many heroic actions, and will be much admired for his extraordinary abilities. 25. The child born on the twenty-fifth day will be very wicked; he will meet with many dangers, and he is likely to come to an ill end. 26. On the twenty-sixth day, the dreams are certain; and the child then born will be rich, and greatly esteemed. 27. The twenty-seventh day is very favorable for dreams, and the child then born will be of a sweet and amiable and kind disposition.