Human Physiognomy : or the Art of Discerning the Mental and Moral Character of Man

78 PROGNOSTICATIONS, ETC. The seventh is a lucky day, and one falling sick on this day may recover, even though having to endure great suffering. The eighth day is an unfortunate one, and those falling ill on it will not be likely to survive. Illness commencing on the ninth day shall not usually prove fatal, though sometimes On the tenth day, the contrary. The eleventh day is remarkably fortunate for those falling sick ; they shall recover speedily. It is a bad omen to be taken sick on the twelfth of any month, for unless you recover within two or three days, you will most certainly die within the year. Those falling sick on the thirteenth day, if they pass five days, they shall quite likely recover. The fourteenth is a lucky day, and those taken sick on it, will recover in 48 hours. On the contrary, those falling ill on the fifteenth day may experience long and lingering illness, which will probably prove fatal. Those taken on the sixteenth day, may escape, after some weeks of illness. . Persons falling ill on the seventeenth day are almost sure to die within three weeks. The eighteenth is a lucky day, and those falling sick on that day will undoubtedly recover. The nineteenth the same,—though the sickness may last much longer. The twentieth is an uncertain day, and sickness commencing on this day frequently terminates fatally, if it continue more than five days. The twenty-first day perils one’s life for ten days,—that time passed, and you will recover. Those falling sick on the twenty-second, will die within forty-eight hours, or after that time will certainly recover. Those taken sick on the twenty-third will stand a chance of lingering illness, which will probably terminate favorably. The twenty-fourth is another unlucky day, and those falling ill on that day, though they be partially restored, will probably die within three months. On the contrary, the twenty-fifth is a very favorable day, and those falling sick will get well speedily. The twenty-sixth portends a protracted illness, which will terminate favorably. The twenty-Seventh threatens death, though the chances o/ recovery are fair. Those falling ill on tho twenty-eighth, menace death.