Human Physiognomy : or the Art of Discerning the Mental and Moral Character of Man

CUAKMS, KTO. 79 Persons who me taken Rick on tho twenty-ninth day will have n very protracted ilhioss, mid recover slowly. Tim thirtieth mid thirty fuel uro uncertain days, mid person* tailing »i< k on either of these days, it cannot bo known whether they will recover or not. CH AH MH TO KNOW WHO YOUR HUSBAND SHALL BE. t On Nr Aonks' D*v. This is to bo attempted on tho 21st of .Imiumy, Nt. Agnes' day. Von must prepare yourself by a twenty four hours' fast, touching nothing but pure spring water, beginning nt midnight on tho 20th, to tho same again on the 21st ; then go to bed, mid mind you sleep by yourself; mid do imt mention what you are trying to noy one, or it will break the spell; go to rest on your left side, and repent these lines three times I— Nt. Agnes, be n friend to mo, In the gift I ask oftheo; Lot mo this night my husband seo— mid you will dream of your future spouse; if you see more men than one in your di emu, you will wed two or three times, but if you sleep mid dream not, you will never marry. 2 Hr Hmnr Cakf. A slice of tho bride-cake thrice drawn through the wedding ring, mid laid under the head of an un- marriod woman, will make her dream of her future husband. 'I Brim (Jakii a ano NrocsiNo. Tho party inquiring must lie in n diUcrent county from that in which sho commonly resides, mid on going to bod, must knit tho loft garter about the right legged stocking, letting the other garter mid stocking alone ; mid as you rehearse tho following verse, nt every comma knit a knot t— This knot I knit, to know tho thing 1 know not yet, That I may seo, tho man that shall my husband bo, J low ho goes, mid what he wears, And what he doos all days mid years. Aei oidingly in n dream ho will appear, with tile insignia of his trade or profession. 4 CmuiiNAS Nmu,. During Christmas .wook, stoop mislctoo berries, tn the number of nine, in a mixture of wine, vinegar mid honey ; lake them on going to bed, mid you will diemnof vom future lot ; a storm in this dream is very bad ; it is most likely you will then marry a sailor, who will sutler shipwroi k at sea , but to seo either sun, moon or stars, it is au