Little Ann: An Authentic Narrative

14 LITTLE ANN. [14 “ Months move along as if the years “ Would never pass away: “ But months and years are passing by, “ And soon must all be gone; “ For day by day, as moments fly, “ Eternity comes on. “ Days, months, and years must have an end, “ Eternity has none; “ ’Twill always have as long to spend “ As when it first begun. “ Great God ! an infant cannot tell “ How such a thing can be; “ I only pray that I may dwell “ That long, long time with thee.” These verses were among the first things which the Lord applied to her heart; but, at that time, her parents little knew or imagined how much they had instructed and affected her mind. How should every discovery of this sort encourage parents and teachers to labour and not faint in the good work of training up children in the way they should go 1 However barren and unfruitful the field may long appear where they have continued to labour, yet, let none despair of seeing a harvest. Those who labour simply with the view of glorifying God and benefiting the souls of men, shall not, cannot labour in vain. The day will come when the dews of heaven shall descend, and the Sun of Righteousness shine down on the fallow ground, and cause the seed to spring up, and bring forth fruit, some sixty, and some an hundred fold. Bread cast upon the waters is often found after many days. Little Ann, in her early childhood had, like many other children, been terrified with foolish tales of robbers, and murders, and pretended apparitions; so that her nightly rest was often much disturbed; especially after her friends removed to a new residence, where