Little Sally of the Sunday School

SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 who says she will take me to the Sunday School and to church next Sunday, if you will make me clean.” “ Indeed, child,” said her mammy, “I? have no time to dress you on Sundays. I have the bed to make, and the house to clean, and the dinner to get: so you may go where you will; ’but don’t look for me to dress you or clean you.” Then little Sally sat down upon the step on the outside of the door, and began to think, “ What shall I do when the lady comes again next Sunday ? Mammy won’t ^lean me; .but I can wash my own fac^jmd haijil^^»d comb my hair, for maffigiy^will let m$use W; comb. So I will sp^upon t'h.e gate till the lady comes; and then I i^f^psk her to let me go with her to school; and I will give the lady a little posy out of the hedge, because she is a good lady.” Now this was a good thought, whifch