perpetrated by or for another. Our soldiers and sailors gave the Government the best they had. They freely offered health, strength, limb* and life to save the country in the time of its greatest peril, and the. Government must honor them in their need as in their service with the respect and gratitude due to brave, noble and self-sacrificing men who are justly entitled to generous aid in their increasing necessities. OUR MERCHANT MARINE AND NAVY. The declaration of the Republican platform in favor of the upbuilding of our Merchant Marine has my hearty approval. The policy of discriminating duties ill favor of our shipping which prevailed in the- early years of our history should be again promptly adopted by Congress and vigorously supported until our prestige and supremacy on the seas- is fully attained. We should no longer contribute directly or indirectly to the maintenance of .the colossal marine of foreign countries, but provide an efficient and complete marine of our own. Now that the- American Navy is assuming a position commensurate with our importance as a Nation, a policy I am glad to observe the Republican platform strongly endorses, we must supplement it with a Merchant Marine that will give us the advantages in both our coast-wise and foreign trade that' we ought naturally and properly to enjoy. It should be at once a matter- of public policy and National pride to repossess this immense and prosperous trade. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. The pledge of the Republican National Convention that our civil' service laws “ shall be sustained and thoroughly and honestly enforced,, and extended wherever practicable,” is in keeping with the position of? the party for the past twenty-four years, and will be faithfully observed... Our opponents decry these reforms. They appear willing fo abandon, all the advantages gained, after so many years’ agitation and effort... They encourage a return to methods of party favoritism which both, parties have often denounced, that experience has condemned, and that., the people have repeatedly disapproved. The Republican Party earnestly opposes this reactionary and entirely unjustifiable policy. It wilt take no backward step upon the question. It will seek to improve, but:, never degrade the public service. OUR FINANCIAL INTEGRITY MUST BE DEFENDED. There are other important and timely declarations in the Platform? which I can not here discuss. I must content myself with saying that they have my approval. If, as Republicans, we have lately addressed, our attention, with what may seem great stress and earnestness, to the new and unexpected assault upon the financial integrity of the Government, we have done it because, the menace is so grave as to demand., especial consideration, and because we are convinced that if the people are aroused to the true understanding and meaning of this silver and., inflation movement, they will avert the danger. In doing this we feel, that we render the best service possible to the country, and we appeal to the intelligence, conscience and patriotism of the people, irrespective - of party or section, for their earnest support. FALSE ISSUES MUST BE BOLDLY MET. We avoid no issues. We meet the sudden, dangerous and revolu-