Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

10 KANSAS. of Lawrence. The enemy declared, their intentions to destroy the town and slaughter its inhabitants ; and nothing but the firmness and patriotic courage of those who rallied to protect the town saved it from destruction. The facts herein set forth by your memorialists will show to your honorable bodies the grievances which compelled this State organization, and the principles which guided them in effecting it. The principles of self-government inherent in the people, constitute in them, and in them alone, the right to establish their own government. The wrongs inflicted upon the people by the slave power, in total disregard of the constitution and organic act, having become too grievous to be borne, it was their duty to provide such a government of their own as might rid them of this oppression, and make them free and prosperous. Believing that the past outrages will be repeated; knowing that the Territorial government has, thus far, proved a failure, and expecting no relief from the Executive department, there was left but one course to pursue. The foregoing are the reasons for the State organization. The wrongs which the people of Kansas have endured, and the outrages yet threatened, have compelled them thus early to assume the burdens of a State government; and they come to you in neither the spirit of servility nor of arrogance, but as American citizens, knowing their own rights, and asking them at your hands ; and in requesting the attention of your honorable bodies to the constitution adopted by them at a State convention, held at Topeka on the twenty-third of October last, and ratified by the people on the fifteenth day of December following, your memoralists respectfully pray for the admission of Kansas as a State into the confederacy, upon an equal footing with those States which have preceded her. W. Y. Roberts. Lyman Allen. James M. Dunn. Henry J. Adams. J. M. Irvin. Thos. G. Thornton. Lucien Fish. Joel C. Green. Bryer W. Miller. John Curtis. S. B. McKenzie. W. W. Updegraff. Jos. M. Cole. John Daily. B. Harding. Darwin E. Jones. G. S. Hillyer. John D. Jones. John W. Stevens. Perry Fuller. Thos. A. Minard. James McGhee. Stephen Sparks. William Hicks. W. R. Frost. Wm. Pennock. James B. Abbott. J. A. Blood. James K. Edsell. Wm. Crosby. A. A. Jamason. Samuel Mewhinny. Samuel T. Shore. Wm. H. Toothman. Isaac Saunders. E. B. Purdom. J. M. Arthur. Samuel Walker.