Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

KANSAS. 29 voting a written or printed ticket, labelled £< Constitution,” or “No constitution which election shall he held by the same judges, and conducted under the same regulations and restrictions, as is hereinafter provided for the election of members of the general assembly. And the judges therein named shall, within ten days after said election, seal up and transmit to the chairman of the executive committee of Kansas Territory the result of said election, who shall forthwith make proclamation of the same ; and in case the constitution be ratified by the people, the chairman of the executive committee shall cause publication to be made by proclamation, that an election will be held on the third Tuesday of January, A. D. 1856, for governor, lieutenant- governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor, judges of the supreme court, State printer, attorney general, reporter of the supreme court, clerk of the supreme court, and members of the general assembly; which said election shall be held by the same judges, under the same restrictions, and conducted in the same manner, as is hereinafter provided for the election of members of the general assembly ; and the judges therein named are hereby required, within ten days after said election, to seal up and transmit duplicate copies of the returns of said election to the chairman of the executive committee, one of which shall be laid before the general assembly at its first meeting. 3. The general assembly shall meet on the fourth day of March, A. D. 1856, at the city of Topeka, at 12 m.; at which time and place the governor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of state, judges of the supreme court, treasurer, auditor, State printer, reporter, and clerk of the supreme court, and attorney general shall appear, take the oath of office, and enter upon the discharge of the duties of their respective offices under this constitution; and shall continue in office in the same manner, and during the same period, they would have done had they been elected on the first Monday of August, A. D. 1856. 4. At the same time and place the qualified voters shall, under the same regulations and restrictions, elect a member of Congress, to represent the State of Kansas in the thirty-fourth Congress of the United States; the returns of said election to be made to the chairman of the executive committee, who shall deposite the same in the office of the secretary of state, as soon as he shall enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office. Sec. 2. Until otherwise provided by law, the State shall be divided into election districts ; and the senators and representatives shall be apportioned among the several districts as follows : First District. Commencing in the Kansas river, at the mouth of Cedar creek; thence up said river to the first tributary above the town of Lawrence ; thence up said tributary to its source ; thence by a direct line to the west side of Johnson’s house; thence by a due south line to the Santa Fe road, and along the middle of said road to a point due south of the source of said Cedar creek, and down the same to the place of beginning.