Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

30 KANSAS. Second District. Commencing at the mouth of Big Spring branch, on the south bank of the Kansas river; thence up said branch to its furthest source; thence by a southerly line, crossing the Wakarusa river, on the east side of the house of Charles Matney, to the middle of the Santa Fe road ; thence along the middle of said road to the line of the first district ; thence by the same, along the west side of the house of-------- Johnson, to the head of the first tributary of the Kansas river above the town of Lawrence ; and thence by the same tributary to the Kansas river, and up the south bank of said river to the mouth of Big Spring branch, the place of beginning. Third District. Commencing at the mouth of Big Spring branch, on the south side of Kansas river ; thence up the same to its furthest source; thence by a southerly line to the north bank of the Wakarusa river, on the east side of the house of Charles Matney ; thence up said river and its main branch to the line of the Pottawatomie reservation ; and thence by the southern and western line of said reservation to the Kansas river, and down the said river to the place of beginning. Fourth District. Commencing at the Missouri State line, in the middle of the Santa Fe road ; thence along the middle of said road to Rock creek, near the sixty-fifth mile of said road ; thence south to the line of the Shawnee reservation ceded by the treaty of 1854 ; thence due east, along the south line of said reservation and the north lines of the existing reservations of the Sacs and Foxes, the existing reservations of the Chippewas and Ottawas, and the reservations of the Piankeshaws, Weas, Peorias, and Kaskaskias, to the Missouri State line ; thence up the . Missouri State line to the place of beginning. Fifth District. Commencing at the Missouri State line, at the southern boundary of the fourth district; thence west along the same to the northwest corner of the Sac and Fox reservation ; thence due south, along the western line thereof, and due south to the south branch of the Neosho rivpr, about seventy miles above the Catholic Osage Mission ; thence down said river to the north line of the reserve for the New York Indians, and east along said line to the headwaters of Little Osage river, or the nearest point thereto ; and thence down said river to the Missouri State line, and up said line to the place of beginning. Sixth District. Commencing on the Missouri State line, in Little Osage river; thence up the same to the line of the reserve for the New York Indians, or the nearest point thereto ; thence to and by the north line of said reserve to the Neosho river, and up said river and the south branch thereof to the head ; thence by a due south line to the southern