Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

32 KANSAS. main branch ; thence due north to the military road from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Kearney ; thence along the middle of said road to the crossing of the Vermillion branch of the Blue; thence due north to the northern line of the Territory ; thence west along said line to the Independence emigrant road ; thence down said road to a point due west of the north end of the house of Josiah D. Adams ; and due east to the place of beginning. Twelfth District. • Commencing at the mouth of Soldier creek, in the Kansas river ; thence up said creek to the head of the main branch; thence due north to the military road from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Kearney ; thence along the middle of said road to the line of the eleventh district; thence due south to the head of Vermillion river, down Vermillion river to the mouth, and down Kansas river to the place of beginning. Thirteenth District. Commencing in the Kansas river, at a point three miles above the mouth of Stranger creek; thence in a northerly direction by a line corresponding to, and three miles west of the several courses of said creek, to the line of the late Kickapoo reservation ; thence by the southern and western lines of said reservation to the military road •from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Kearney ; thence along the middle of said road to the line of the twelfth district; thence due south to the head of Soldier creek, down Soldier creek to the mouth, and down Kansas river to the place of beginning. Fourteenth District. Commencing at the mouth of Independence creek ; thence up said creek to the head of the main branch ; and thence due west to the line of the late Kickapoo reservation ; thence north along said line, and along the line of the late Sac and Fox reservation, to the north line of the Territory ; thence along said line eastwardly to the Missouri river, and down said river to the place of beginning. Fifteenth District, Commencing at the mouth of Salt creek, on the Missouri river ; thence up said creek to the military road, and along the middle of said road to the lower crossing of Stranger creek; thence up said creek to the line of the late Kickapoo reservation ; and thence along the southern and western line thereof to the line of the fourteenth district ; thence by the same, and down Independence creek to the mouth thereof; and thence down the Missouri river to the place of beginning. Sixteenth District. Commencing at the mouth of Salt creek ; thence up said creek to the military road ; thence along the middle of said road to the lower