Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

KANSAS. 33 crossing of Stranger creek ; thence up said creek to the line of the late Kickapoo reservation, and thence along the same to the line of the thirteenth district; and thence hy the same, along a line corresponding to the course of Stranger creek, and keeping three miles west thereof, to the Kansas river ; thence down the Kansas river to the Missouri, and up the Missouri river to the place of beginning. Seventeenth District. Commencing at the mouth of Kansas river; thence up the south bank thereof to the mouth of Cedar creek ; thence up Cedar creek to its source, and thence due south to the Santa Fe road ; along the middle of said road to the Missouri State line, and along said line to the place of beginning. Eighteenth District. » Commencing in the military road at the crossing of the Vermillion branch of Blue river ; thence due north to the line of the Territory ; thence east along said line to the fourteenth district; thence due south along said line to the aforesaid military road, and along the middle of said road to the place of beginning. Senatorial and Representative Districts. 1. The first election district shall be entitled to three senators and eight representatives. 2. The second election district shall be entitled to one senator and three representatives. 3. The third election district shall be entitled to one senator and three representatives. 4. The fourth and seventeenth election districts shall constitute the fourth senatorial and representative district, and be entitled to one senator and two representatives. 5. The fifth election district shall be entitled to three senators and nine representatives. 6. The sixth, seventh, and eighth election districts shall constitute the sixth senatorial and representative district, and be entitled to two senators and five representatives. 7. The ninth and tenth election districts shall constitute the seventh senatorial district, and be entitled to one senator and four representatives. 8. The eleventh and twelfth election districts shall constitute the eighth senatorial and representative district, and be entitled to one senator and three repiesentatives. 9. The thirteenth election district shall constitute the ninth senatorial and representative district, and be entitled to one senator and two representatives. 10. The fourteenth and eighteenth election districts shall constitute the tenth senatorial and representative district, and be entitled to two senators and seven representatives. 3