Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

34 KANSAS. 11. The fifteenth election district shall constitute the eleventh senatorial and representative district, and be entitled to one senator and five representatives. 12. The sixteenth election district shall constitute the twelfth senatorial and representative district, and be entitled to three senators and nine representatives. Sec. 3. Until otherwise provided by law, the elections in the several districts shall be held at the following places, and the following named persons are hereby appointed as judges of the elections. Places of voting. Sec. 4. First senatorial district.—Lawrence precinct, at the Free State hotel; A. D. Searl, Lyman Allen, Henry Bronson, judges. Franklin precinct, at the store of Mr. Purdam; James McGee, Horace L. Enos, J. Purdam, judges. Blanton precinct, at the house of J. B. Abbott; John Stewart, R. Vaughn, P. T. Hupp, judges. Palmyra precinct, at the house of H. Barricklow ; H. Barricklow, Louis Green, A. Pierson, judges. Second senatorial district.—Bloomington precinct, at the house of H. Burson ; Samuel Smith, Daniel Vancil, J. M. Dunn, judges. Third senatorial district.—Washington precinct, at the house of W. R. Frost; W. Riley, Caleb Antram, Eli Allen, judges. Tecumseh precinct, at the house of J. Taylor ; Chas. Jordon, John Morris, Francis Grassmuck, judges. Topeka precinct, at the law office of E. C. K. Garvey ; Dr. F. L. Crain, Milton C. Dickey, J. F. Cummings, judges. Brownsville precinct, at the house of G. W. Brown ; G. W. Brown, Mr. Simmerwell, Dr. Bowen, judges. Fourth senatorial district.—Prairie City precinct, at the house of Samuel Mewhinney ; W. Moore, Samuel Workman, Amos Hanna, judges. Mission precinct, at the Baptist mission building; G. L. Osborn, S. M. Cornatzer, Lewis Dougherty, judges. Wakarusa precinct, at the store of Paschal Fish ; L. H. Bascom, Ellis Bond, A. G. Green, judges. Fifth senatorial district.—Ossawatomie precinct, at the house of Samuel Geer; Wm. Chestnut, B. Woodbury, Wm. Sailing, judges. Stanton precinct, at the house of Mr. Staniford ; J. Wollard, Mr. Morse, W. G. Nichols, judges. Pottawatomie precinct, at the*meeting-house; F. Brown, J. Grant, S. B. Morse, judges. Hampden precinct, at the house of W. A. Ela; W. A. Ela, Chancy Moore, George Law, judges. Sugar Creek precinct, at the house of Silas Young'; Silas Young, James W. Dudley, William Dyer, judges. Little Sugar Creek precinct, at the house of Isaac D. Stocton ; Isaac D. Stocton, Thomas Fars, James Coburn, judges. Little Osage precinct, at Miller’s store; Thomas Osburn, Mr. Miller, Mr. Fowlers, judges.