Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

36 KANSAS. house in Kickapoo city ; Dr. McCormas, Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Boyd, judges. Port William precinct, at the house of Dr. Hathaway ; Dr. Hathaway, Mr. Oliphant, Mr. Potter, judges. Mount Pleasant precinct, at the house of M. A. Potter ; Mr. Ridgeway, B. Elliot, M. A. Potter, judges. Oceana precinct, at the store of Crosby & Co. ; Archibald Elliot, A. Landrum, S. J. H. Snyder, judges. Twelfth senatorial district.—Leavenworth precinct, at the office of Gardiner & Dodge ; Adam Fisher, Thomas M. Doyle, H. M. Hook, judges. Wyandot precinct, at the Council-house in Wyandot city ; Abelard Guthrie, G. J. Clark, Ebenezer Lane, judges. Easton precinct, at the house of Thomas A. Maynard ; G. J. Clark, Wm. Pennock, judges. Atchison precinct, at the house of B. R. McCubbins ; Mr. Bay, Henry Williams, judges. Sec. 5. The executive committee of Kansas Territory shall have the power to appoint additional election precincts and judges therefor. Instructions to Judges. Sec. 6. The three judges will provide for each poll ballot-boxes for depositing the ballots cast by electors; shall appoint two clerks—all of whom shall be sworn or affirmed to discharge the duties of their respective offices impartially and with fidelity ; and the judges and clerks shall have the power to administer the oath or affirmation to each other ; and the said judges shall open said election at nine o’clock, a. m., at the place designated in each precinct, and close the same at six o’clock, p. m. In case any of the officers appointed fail to attend, the officer or officers in attendance shall supply their places ; and in the event of all of them failing to attend, the qualified voters shall supply their places ; and the said judges shall make out duplicate returns of said election, seal up and transmit the same within ten days to the chairman of the executive committee, one copy of which is to be laid before the general assembly. If, at the time of holding said election, it shall be inconvenient, from any cause whatever that would disturb or prevent the voters of any election precinct in the Territory from the free and peaceable exercise of the elective franchise, the officers are hereby authorized to adjourn said election into any other precinct in the Territory, and tu any other day they may see proper, of the necessity of which they shall be the exclusive judges, at which time and place the qualified voters may cast their votes. Sec. L Until otherwise provided by law, the chairman of the executive committee of Kansas Territory shall announce by proclamation the results of the elections, and the names of persons elected to office. Sec. 8. No person shall be entitled to a seat in the first general assembly at its organization, except the members whose names are contained in the proclamation of the chairman of the executive com­