Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

38 KANSAS. John Landis, Harrison Burson, Charles W. Stewart, James M. Arthur, James L. Sayle, Caleb May, . Samuel Mewhinney, William Graham, Morris Hunt, John H. Nesbit, Cyrus K. Holliday, James H. Tuton, Thomas Bell, Rufus Henry Crosby, Alfred Curtis, Amory Hunting, Richard Knight, Philip C. Schuyler, M. F. Conway, 0. C. Brown, C. Robinson, J. S. Emery. Topeka, Kansas, March 15, 1856. I hereby certify that the annexed is a true copy of the constitution of the State of Kansas, now on file in my office, as framed by the constitutional convention that met at Topeka, in said State, on the 23d October, 1855, and ratified bv the people on the 15th December, 1855. ROBT. KLOTZ, Secretary of the State of Kansas.