Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

KANSAS. 49 Tabular statement showing the inhabitants, legal voters by the census taken in February 1855, and the votes polled at the election held 30th March, 1855. Districts. Males. Females. Voters. Votes polled at election of Mar. 30, 1855. Natives of United States. Foreign birth. XT Negroes. Slaves. Total. First district_____ 623 339 369 1,044 887 75 962 Second district____ 316 203 199 341 506 19 1 7 519 Third district_____ 161 91 101 376 215 12 6 252 Fourth district------ 106 71 47 80 169 2 1 1 177 Fifth district_____ 824 583 442 855 1,385 22 27 26 1,407 Sixth district-------- 492 318 253 350 791 12 11 11 810 Seventh district___ 82 36 53 234 117 1 1 1 118 Eighth district------ 56 27 39 37 76 7 13 10 83 Ninth district____ 61 25 36 75 66 12 14 3 86 Tenth district____ 97 54 63 92 108 23 151 Eleventh district.; . 33 3 24 331 30 6 36 Twelfth district----- 104 40 78 42 109 37 1 7 144 Thirteenth district- 168 116 96 242 273 9 14 14 284 Fourteenth district- 655 512 334 727 301 46 1 35 1,167 Fifteenth district _. 492 381 308 417 846 16 15 15 873 Sixteenth district.. 708 475 385 964 1,042 104 48 33 1,183 Seventeenth district 91 59 50 62 143 5 4 23 150 Eigthteenth district 59 40 28 62 97 1 — 99 Total________ 5,128 3,383 2,905 6,331 7,161 408 151 192 8,601 4