Memorial of the Senators and Representatives and the Constitution of the State of Kansas

rn 33 oS»®®uS g 33 33>83>£S §§ i O Territorial government organized by act of Congress. 8 OiO § Oig £ s S > g2 sasSS2 y oo S *.5: K 2 r8ES A s §^88§™~gg§s8^ 8? 8a a A A o>8>88 > 8 888 lisss8§§8888888g§§ »>88E> ggggggg ggggggg § g Wig §§ 8 gg gg g §g >»» S 1 ggggggg ggggg g g Authorized to form State government. Date of admission. By census of— White. Free colored. Slaves. Representative population. Ratio. No. of representatives in Congress at the time of admission. Appropriations, executive, legislative, and judicial, for the Territories. 8§ggggg ggggggg 8 88 gg For erection of public buildings. 8i»>s ggggggg 11 gg g g gg§88 88888 For construction of roads. •SVSNVM 09