No Failure for the North

The Loyal Publication Society has already issued a large number of Slips and Pamphlets which have been widely circulated. Amongst the most important are the following: * No. l.pFuture of the North West, by Robert Dale Owen, 2. Echo from the Army. 3. Union Mass Meeting, Speeches of Brady, Van Buren, Ac. 4. Three Voices: the Soldier, Farmer and Poet. 5. Voices from the Army. 6. Northern True Men. 7. Speech of Major-General Butler. 8. Separation; War without End. Ed. Laboulaye. 9. The Venom and the Antidote. 10. A few words in behalf of the Loyal Women of the United States, by One of Themselves.' 11. No Failure for the North. Atlantic Monthly. 12. Address to King Cotton. Eugene Pelletan. 13. How a Free People conduct a long War. Stille. 14. The Preservation of the Union, a National Economic Necessity. 15. Elements of Discords in Secessia, &c., &c. 1G. No Party now, all for our Country. Dr. Francis Lieber. 17. The Cause of the War. Col. Charles Anderson. 18. Opinions of the early Presidents and of the Fathers of the Republic upon Slavery, and upon Negroes as Men and Soldiers. 19. (Einl)cit nnb von Hermann Haft er. 20. Military Despotism ! Suspension of the Habeas Corpus 1 &c. 2L Letter addressed to the Opera-House Meeting, Cincinnati, by Col. Charles Anderson: 22. Emancipation is Peace. By Robert Dale Owen. 23. Letter of Peter Cooper on,Slave Emancipation. ---------------------------------------------------- Loyal Leagues, Clubs, or individuals may obtain any of our Publications at the cost price, by application to the Executive Committee, or by calling at the Rooms of the Society, No. 8G3 Broadway, where all information may be obtained relating to the Society.