No Party Now but All for Our Country

8 Compressed within its narrowest feasible limits, with a view to its speedy extinction. We declare that this is no question of politics, but one of patriotism ; and we hold every one to be a traitor to his country, that works or speaks in favor of our criminal enemies, directly or indirectly, whether his offence be such that the law can overtake him or not. We declare our inmost abhorrence of the secret societies which exist among us in favor of the rebellious enemy, and that we will denounce every participator in these nefarious conventicles, whenever known to us. We believe publicity the very basis of liberty. We pledge our fullest support of the government in every measure which it shall deem fit to adopt against unfriendly and mischievous neutrality ; and we call upon it, as citizens that have the right and duty to call for protection on their own government, to adopt the speediest possible measures to that important end. We loyally support our government in its declarations and measures against all and every attempt of mediation, or armed or unarmed interference in our civil war. We solemnly declare that we will resist every partition of any portion of our country to the last extremity, whether this partition should be brought about by rebellious or treasonable citizens of our own, Or by foreign powers, in the way that Poland was torn to pieces. We pronounce every foreign minister accredited to our government, who tampers with our enemies, and holds covert intercourse with disloyal men among us, as failing in his duty toward us and toward his own people, and we await with attention the action of our government regarding the recent and surprising breach of this duty. And we call upon every American, be he such by birth or choice, to join the loyal movement of these National Leagues, which is naught else than to join and follow our beckoning flag, and to adopt for his device—• OUR COUNTRY!