Our Country and Its Cause

n rebellion. Here I have no donbt, and never had any. I do not belong to that class of persons who ai<6 in doubt on this question, wlio cannot tell whether the Rebels are right, w the Government is right. For all the purposes of ni}^ own action, I assume absolutely, without hesitation or doubt, that the 7'ectitude is witli the Government, and that the God of that rectitude is also there. This rebellion is not the fault of the Government. It is not the fault of the Northern people. Is was not gotten ,up by the Northern people, or bv any section of them. It is not due to what some are pleased to style Northern fanaticism. It is the creature of the Soutliern mind, chiefly of a few leading conspirators, without any just provocation in facts, and with no possible defense in the Constitution of the United States. Deeply do I regret the necessity of asserting authority by the force of arms ; but the necessity being upon us, then I say to the nation and to every man in it, to the Army and the Navy, to such distinguished apostles of peace as Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas, Hooker, Hancock, Burnside, Meade, Farragut,—Stand to your guns, load them with canister"and grape, and keep loading them and firing them into the rebel ranks till this treason bows to the demands of law. Yes, stand to your guns, and now settle once for all and forever,'^that the legally expressed will of the majority is, and shall be the law of the land. This is my doctrine for the men on the field and for the people at home. I propose now to plant our nationality upon solid rock, and in the conquest of this rebellion, put an end to all armed resistance to the supreme authority, for at least a long time to come. I have no sympathy with that milk-and-water theology or philanthrophy, that to save indwiduals , would murder a nation. I go for saving the latter, let the cost in life and money be what it may. In such a crisis I want something more than general platitudes about the Union, in our public men and in candidates for the Presidency. I want to know precisely what they mean, and what they will do, in application to the great and vital issue of the/present . hour. If they stand on the war-platform, if they believe in suppressing this rebellion by an armed force, let them say so. If tliey stand on the peace-plat-