Our Country and Its Cause

23 heavy blows such as our armies can give, and if we properly support them, will give, will finish up the Confederate Government of Jeflferson Davis and his associate conspirators, and sweep it from the earth as an organized military power ; and then we shall be in a position to speak directly to the people of the several States, and propose to them, and not to Jefferson Davis, suitable measures for an honorable and Constitutional re-union. We have nothing to do with this arch-traitor but to conquer him, and nothing to do with his ConsTress but to annihilate it. This I am fully persuaded, is the shortest and surest road to any peace to which a true Union man can ever give his consent. I doubt whether, after the trial of three years, especially when we are so near the final result, and when we can grasp that result if we will, it is wise to change our policy or its agency for any new experiments. iVll the reasons which dictated this policy in the outset, apply with augmented force at the present time. In my judgment the best peace-commission is a strong army well commanded. The best peace-commissioners are the very men we now have in the field. They will conquer a peace soon if we do not call them ofi" from thp task ; and then Jefferson Davis will be no longer Jefi^erson Davis the President of the Confederate States of America, but Jefferson Davis the indicted criminal, and if convicted, a candidate for the gallows. In the fifth place, the proposition fob a cessation of hostilities WITH A VIEW TO " AN, ULTIMATE CONVENTION" OF THE States, is, I think, surrounded with the most fearful uncertainties AND perils. It is a dark and dangerous road for the nation to travel in. Let us see. To whomis this proposition to be submitted ? Of course to the Confederate Authorities at Richmond, —the men who are now conducting hostilities on the Rebel side, and who expressly tell us that they will never consent to a convention for any such purpose as the one we have in view. Fromlohom is this proposition to come in the first instance ? Of course from the Government of these United States. This is the theory now put before the American people for their consideration.