Our Country and Its Cause

26 power, yoii can come to no aii^reemeiit with them without such concessions and guaranties, as, T am persuaded, tlie l*^orthern people never will make, certainly not unless they become traitors to the sanctity of law and the very lirst principles of civil liberty. You may as well meet this question first as last. There is a fundamental antagonism between Northern civilization and the theories and purposes of these Rebel leaders ; and you can do nothing with them in the line of negotiation that you will consent to do, until you have Urst conquered them ; and then you may propose honorable terms of peace and reunion to the masses of the people in the respective States with some hopes of success. If you allow yourselves to be cheated on this point, you will be sadly cheated, and lay the basis for terrible difficulties in the future. There is no jn'ocess or compromise under heaven, by which the moral, political, and religious drift of Northern civilization can be arrested in this land. It is the drift of the age, the drift of freedom, the drift of enlightened thought, the drift of God's provideiice : and those who oppose it, will be swept away ]>efore it. If for the sake of a false and treacherous peace you attempt to stop this current by a bargain, such as will be agreeal)le to slaveholders and traitors, the current itself will soon split your bargain into a thousand fragments. You bad better not hand this question over to posterity ; you had better take care of it yourselves, and now settle it upon the right basis. And yet, once more, Have you well considered the foreign perils incident to this doctrine of an armistice? The moment you pause in this contest and virtually give up the question of victory, the overwhelming probability is that England and France will at once step in, and recognize the nationality and independence of the Confederate Government. They would be glad to do so ; and if you give them the needed occasion, they will do it. You will go more than half way towards the result yourselves ; and what you leave unfinished England and France will complete. They have shown a clear and unequivocal desire to have this Union dissolved, and this great nationality broken in its ]x»wer ; and such an opportunity they would be very likely