Our Country and Its Cause

Brooklyn, October 2, 1861. Bev. Samuel T. Spear, D. D. Rev. and Dear Sir :—Having listened with much edification to your discourse of yesterday, from the text Romans 13, Chap., 22, and appreciating the deep importance to our country at the present time, of the principles and views therein enunciated and so ably vindicated and enforced, and convinced of the beneficial results to the cause of Christianity and patriotism, which would flow from the publication of this discourse ; we respectfully solicit a copy of the same for that purpose : WALTER S. GRIFFITH, J. S. T. STRANAHAN, GEORGE B. LINCOLN, GEORGE W. PARSONS, HUGH AIRMAN, GEORGE A. JARVIS, CZAR DUNNING, S. B. BUTCHER, G. R. DOWNING, JOHN WILLIAMS, E. C. HALLIDAY, A. L. VAN BUREN, NEHEMIAH KNIGHT. GEORGE P. WIIXEY, , . ' DAy=IK .B. BA"JLIS, . ! < ' "wiLLiIAJ: HANNAHS, FRANKLIN CLARK, S. R. HUTCHINSON, D. J. WHITING, HENRY HILL, W. H. BOW, P. S. ELY, J. H. JACKSON, WILLIAM JACKSON, GEORGE C. WHITE, B. L. SANDERSON, JAMES McMULLEN, W. M. AIRMAN, WALTER S. GOVE, WILLIAM W. ROSE, FORBES DUNDERDALE, R. F. HOWES. Brooklyn, October 5, 1864. To Messrs. Griffith and others : Gentlemen :—I have received your request for a copy of my sermon on " Our Country and its Cause. " I herewith transmit a copy for the purpose named in your letter, hoping thereby to serve the interests of our country. ^ ? 7 j^4 S. T. SPEAR.