Our Country and Its Cause

THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SUPREME. Nor again, will any enlightened and candid man deny, that the Government of these United States is the supreme civil anthority in this land, acting directly upon all the people in all the States and thronghout all the Territories. It is a Govern7rient^ and not a treaty or leagne between independent nations. The Constitution, and all laws passed in pnrsnance thereof, and all treaties made under the same, are expressly declared to be the swpreine law of the land. Hence any effort of a State, or any portion of the people to vacate or destroy this authority, whether in the form of nullification, secession, or military resistance, is treasonable in its character, imposing upon the Supreme Government the duty of arresting the effort, and bringing its authors to justice. This it must do, or cease to be a Government. If it has not the power to do this, then it is not a Government. If having the power, the officers of law decline to wdeld it, then they are traitors themselves, unworthy of their trust, and enemies of the public good. A STATEMENT OP FACTS. Bearing these principles in mind, we come to a grave question of fact : How happens it that this once peaceful and happy nation is now involved in all the perils and sorrows of a dreadful civil war? Who began this contest? Let a word or two of history be my answer to this question. In the autumn of 1860, the people, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, entered upon a Presidential Canvass, whose result was the choice of Abraham Lincoln as their President for the period of four years from the 4th of March next ensuing. This election was strictly legal in its time, aud legal in its majority ; and hence its constitutional effect was to make Mr. Lincoln President of these LTnited States, and as such, the Minister of God. Was Mr. Lincoln so recognized by all the people ? The answer of this question forms one of the darkest and most melancholy chapters of our political history. The proceedings adopted by large bodies of the people in the slave-holding States, will be