Our Country Before Party

18 litical struggles at home, upon the hopes and fears of the rebels, we deem it to be our duty to speak to you openly and plainly in regard to the same. The rebels of the South are leaning on the Northern Democracy for support, and it is unquestionably true, that unjustifiable opposition to the Administration, is giving aid and “comfort to the enemy.” Whilst it is the duty of patriots tp oppose the usurpation of power, it is alike their duty to avoid captious criticisms, that might create the very evils which they attempt to avoid.* The name of Democrat, associated with allthat is bright and glorious in the history of the past, is being sullied and disgraced by demagogues, who are appealing to the lowest prejudices and passions of our people. We have nothing to expect from the South, and nothing to hope without their conquest. They are now using their money freely, to subsidize the press and politicians of the North, and with what effect, the tone of some our journals, and the speeches of some of our leaders, too plainly and painfully testify. We see, with deep solicitude and regret, that there is an undercurrent in Indiana tending towards a coalition of the Northwest with the South, against the Eastern States. Be not deceived. Pause, for the love you bear to your country, and reflect. This movement is only a rebel scheme in disguise, that would involve you alike with themselves in the crime of rebellion, and bring to your own hearthstones the desolation of a French revolution. Separation on either side, with peace in the future, is impossible, and we are compelled by self-interest, by every principle of honor and every impulse of manhood, to bring this unholy contest to a successful termination. What? Admit that we are whipped ?. That twenty-three millions of Northern men are unequal to nine millions of the South ? Shame on the State that would entertain so disgraceful a proposition! Shame upon the Democrat who would submit to it, and raise his cowardly voice and claim that he Was an Indianian! He and such dastards, with their offspring,, are fit “ mud sills,” upon which should be built the lordly structure of their Southern aristocracy I And with whom would this unholy alliance be formed ? With men who have forgotten their fathers, their oaths, their country, and their God—with guerillas—cotton burners—with those who force every male inhabitant of the South, capable of bearing arms, into the field, though starving wives and babes'Ure left behind ? Men who persecute and hang, or drive from their lines, every man, woman and child, who will not fall down and worship their Southern God. And yet, free born men of our State will sympathise with such tyrants, and dare to even dream of coalition ? Indiana’s proud and loyal legions, numbering at least seventy thousand effective men in the field, and as with one great heart, we know they would repudiate all unholy combinations, tending to the dismemberment of our Government. In this dark hour of our country’s trial, there is but one road to success and peace, and that is, to be as firmly 'united for our Government as the rebels are against it. Small differences of opinion amount to nothing; in this grand struggle for a nation’s existence. Do not place even one straw in the way ; and remember that every word you speak to encourage the South, nerves the arm that strikes the blow which is aimed at the heart’s blood of our brothers and kindred. ALVIN P. HOVEY, Brio. Gen. WM. T. 9PICELY, Con. 24th Ind. WM. E. MoLEAN, Col. 43d Ind. geo f. McGinnis, Col. iith Ind. JAS. R. SLACK, Col. 47th Ind. Helena, Ark., Feb. 2, 1863. The gallant General R. H. Milroy, who has met the enemy on many a hotly contested field during this war, and has never failed to perform his duty, in a recent' letter says: GEN. MILROY AND OTHER INDIANA OFFICERS ON THE ARMY RESOLUTIONS. [From the Indianapolis Journal!] Winchester, East Virginia, January 30,, 1863. Editor Journal: I have just, read the noble resolutions of- my brother officers of Indiana in the gallant army of Rosecranz, who, having assisted by their heroism in achieving the splendid victory over the traitor army under Bragg, turn round to rebuke the more vile and cowardly traitors at home, who having