The Preservation of the Union

THE PRESERVATION OF THE UNION, A NATIONAL ECONOMIC NECESSITY. FROM THE GERMAN COMMERCIAL GAZETTE The present conflict between the North and South, having been discussed almost to exhaustion, from a political point of view, the task remained to present it from a national, economic and social point of view. This has been done in a most lucid and conclusive manner in a comprehensive circular, issued by one of the first commercial houses of New York, in which it is clearly demonstrated that the Preservation of the Union is an indispensable necessity for the whole civilized world. The very complete and valuable statistical tables which have been carefully collated from the last census report, together with an ex tract of the essential points from the circular itself, are herewith presented to the American reader. In view of the colossal productive and commercial power of the United States, every impartial mind must approve the prospective results of the present conflict as herewith presented. Separation of the Union is so completely shown to be synonymous with retrogression of general civilization, that at this enlightened period, no one can advocate such a retrograde movement without offending against all manWnd. What right-thinking man can aid with his sympathy, much less by his direct support, in the destruction of this glorious whole, which has been created by the intelligent industry of several generations? Who would willingly lend a hand in closing up the inexhaustible sources of wealth which nature with unmatched liberality has lavished upon this truly great country 1 Surely no truly enlightened person in either hemisphere could be guilty of so gross an outrage against the best interests of mankind.