Proceedings at the Mass Meeting of Loyal Citizens

Considering these things, I suggest respectfully to your Honorable Bodies, the propriety of passing resolutions, pledging the people of this Metropolis to the support of the Government in the prosecution of the war and the maintenance of the national honor ; and that you authorize your Joint Committee on National Affairs to unite with the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and other committees acting with them, in calling a public meeting of citizens of all parties, to express, without reference to any party question whatever, their undimmished confidence in the justice of our cause, their inflexible purpose to maintain it to the end. and to proffer to the Government all the aid it may need, to the extent of all our resources. Since writing the above, I have received the accompanying resolution of the Chamber of Commerce, on the same subject, with a request that it be transmitted to your Honorable Body. GEORGE OPDYKE, Mayor. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, ) NEW- YORK, July 5th, 1862. f To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of New-York: I have the honor to communicate to your Honorable Body, the following resolution, passed unanimously this day, by a committee appointed on the part of the Chamber of Commerce, to take into consideration the state of national affairs : Resolved. That a committee of five be appointed, to meet a similar committee from the Union Defence Committee, and committees from other bodies of loyal citizens, to unite upon the proper measures to sustain the National Government, in crushing out this rebellion, with power to call this Committee together to receive their report. Under this resolution, the following gentlemen were appointed on the part of the Chamber of Commerce : Hon. GEORGE OPDYKE, DENNING DUER, C. E. ROBERT, JOHN A. STEVENS, JONATHAN STURGES. With respect, your obedient sen-ant, JOHN AUSTIN STEVENS, Jr., Secretary. Alderman DAYTON" moved that the communication from his Honor the Mayor be referred to the Joint Committee on National Affairs, and that the Committee on National Affairs be authorized and directed to co-operate with the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, in the manner recommended by his Honor the Mayor in his communication. The whole subject was referred to Committee on National Affairs.