10 INVITATION TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. In accordance with a resolution of the Committee of Arrangements, a sub-committee consisting of Hon. George Opdyke, J. W. White, Samuel Sloan, Denning Duer, and R H. McCurdy, was appointed to visit Washington, and to request the President of the United States to be present at the meeting. Two of the Committee being unexpectedly prevented by other pressing engagements from fulfilling the commission, F. S. Winston, though not a member of the Committee, was subsequently added. A copy of the Address and Resolutions was handsomely engrossed and placed in the hands of the Chairman, for delivery to the President ; and the following letter was also addressed, to serve as the credentials of the Committee. EOOMS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, ) NEW-YORK, July 10fA, 1862. } To the President of the United States : SIR, I have the honor to inform you that at a Convention, held this day, of Committees severally appointed by the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York, the Union Defence Committee, the Common Council of the city, and other bodies of loyal citizens, it was unanimously Resolved, To hold a public meeting of the citizens of New-York, in favor of supporting the government in the prosecution of the war, and the suppression of the rebellion ; to express, without reference to any party question whatever, their undiminished confidence io the justice of our cause, and their inflexible purpose to maintain it to the end, and to proffer to the Government all the aid it may need, to the extent of all their resources. A Committee of Arrangements was appointed, to take all measures to render the meeting as effective as the occasion for it demands, by whose direction, and in whose behalf, Messrs. J. W. White, R. H. McCurdy, and F. S. Winston, visit the capital to earnestly invite the presence of the President of the United States at the proposed meeting, believing that such course will arouse the enthusiasm of this city, of this State, and of the whole country, in this imminent crisis of the national destiny. By order of the Committee of Arrangements, GEORGE OPDYKE, HENRY SMITH, DENNING DUER, GEORGE D. PIIELPS, JONATHAN STURGES, J. W. WHITE, SAMUEL SLOAN, CHARLES GOULD, P. M. WETMORE, ROBERT H. McCuRDY. PETER MITCHELL, Atrue extract from the Minutes. Respectfully, your most obedient sen-ant, JOHN AUSTIN STEVENS, Jr., Secretary of Convention, and of Committee of Arrangements.