Proceedings at the Mass Meeting of Loyal Citizens

12 INVITATION TO CORPORATIONS, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCDZTIES TO ATTEND THE MEETING OP LOYAL CITIZENS. NEW-YORK, July llth, 1862. SIR: At a Convention of Committees, severally appointed by the Common Council of this City; by the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York ; by the Union Defence Committee ; and by bodies of Loyal Citizens of this city, it was resolved to hold, on Tuesday, the loth instant, a Mass Meeting of all parties who are in favor of supporting the Government in the prosecution of the war and suppressing the rebellion ; and to express, without reference to any party question whatever, their undiminished confidence in the justice of the cause, and their inflexible determination to sustain it ; and to that end to proffer to the Government their aid to the extent of all their resources. In accordance with this purpose, the undersigned were appointed by the Convention a Committee to invite the attendance of all Associations, Corporations, and Societies. In performance of this duty, we request that you will issue a call to the members of your Association, and convene them on the afternoon of Tuesday, to proceed to the Square, where accommodations will be provided, and places on the Stands be reserved for your officers. JAMES "W. WHITE, ~j GEO. OPDTKE, SAMUEL SLOAN, ~ , PROSPER M. WETMORE, DENNING DUER, CHARLES GOULD, JOHN AUSTIN STEVENS, Jr., Secretary of Convention.