Proceedings at the Mass Meeting of Loyal Citizens

40 MR. BANYARD'S ADDRESS. Mr. BANVARD was next introduced to the meeting, and said : PATRIOTIC FELLOW-CITIZENS, I want to let you know that I have some knowledge of secession, and shall crave your indulgence for only a short time. Humphrey Marshall, of Kentucky, happened to move up with ten thousand men, but he was not long until he moved down again. (Loud cheers and laughter.) I know him personally, and I have very little to say in his favor, only that he soon discovered his mistake and did not make a second attempt. (Loud cheers.) I know the spirit of secession well, and have seen its workings. I have no hesitation whatever in declaring that its object is to uproot the principles of free government in this country, which have been so securely established by the first founders of that glorious, happy, and free Constitution. (Loud cheers ) Would time permit I could enter more into detail, but shall content myself with these few remarks. The proceedings were here closed, and the meeting adjourned.