RADICALISM AND THE NATIONAL CRISIS. 23 end might soon come; yet be it distant or near, in my life-time or after I shall have gone the way of all the earth, I do not want this war to cease till the twenty millions of freemen who have embarked in it, have either gained the object, or proved its utter impossibility. Then, and not till then, I am for peace. As I read the book of God, that wisdom which is from above, is— “ first pure, then peaceable.” I exhort you, finally, to be men of prayer. Pray for the President. Pray for the members of his Cabinet. Pray for the soldier, and pray for his commanders. Pray tor the sick and the wounded. Pray for those who are appointed unto death, and who will never again see their homes. Pray for the desolate families that weep in secret places. Pray for our public enemies, beseeching God to give them repentance and better minds. Pray for the poor slave, asking the God of justice and mercy to open the door of freedom from his long night of bondage. Pray for the whole country, imploring High Heaven to cut short this war, and give us a peace, that, being founded in the principles of eternal righteousness, shall be strong as the solid mountains, broad and deep as the ocean, and lasting as time. Let us now, by the good providence of God, settle the question of our national life, and settle it in harmony with justice ; then let the energies of this great and growing nation be directed towards tbe peaceful industries of society; and we shall not only repair the damges accruing from the war, but far transcend all our previous history as a member in the great family of nations. In view of these objects in which you and I, and our children after us, yea, all tbe world, have so deep an interest , let us most fervently beseech the God of providence to accompany the national army, and make it victorious on every field. 76 ' 70 77/