Radicalism and the National Crisis

2 RADICALISM AND THE NATIONAL CRISIS. if possible, to rescue from all misapprehension and evil associations. I.very much doubt whether it is best to be frightened simply because somebody cries out radical’ , and I am equally clear, that the term conservative has no natural right to monopolize the claim to either purity or wisdom. The so called conservatives are sometimes the weakest and most selfish of men. The Pope of Rome has always been a conservative ; and so were the Pharisees in the days of Jesus. Prosecuting the object I have just indicated, let me then— In the first place, give you a brief analysis of the words in question. The true meaning of the term radical, the one which its etymology authorizes, is furnished by the figure of the text. It simply means to lay the axe at the root of the tree; and this means to go down to the bottom of things, and keep going down till you strike what may be properly designated as the hard-pan of fundamental truth. This is what John the Baptist did—what Jesus did—what the apostles did—what Luther did—and what all agency that is effectually curative of evil, must always do. The specific design of this process is to find the truth touching the matter involved, and then set it forth in contrast with, and contradistinction from, the error or the vice which it is the province of truth to expose and rebuke. Hence the great inquiry is not, what do the Pharisees think? or what does Cassar think? but rather what is truth,—truth in science, truth in practical life, truth in morals, and truth in religion? Such in all ages has been the professed aim of the radical spirit. I am well aware, that the history of this spirit has not always been equal to its profession. Sometimes it has been rash, impetuous, impatient, intolerant, dictatorial; sometimes also it has torn up the very foundations of society, being so vehement and lawless as utterly to fail of its own end ; and yet it is equally true, that this spirit proposes to realize one of the grandest theories that ever inspired the breast of humanity. Fixing its eye on truth, it designs to assert it fearlessly and boldly, launching its sharp and oft repeated thunders against sin and error. Not infrequently, yea, perhaps generally, it makes a commotion in the world. It